Ayyan Ali Arrested At The Airport For Money Laundering

Pakistani model and allure symbol Ayaan Ali was arrested at Benazir International airplane terminal when she was attempting to get on the plane with a large portion of a million dollars in her terrible. She was headed toward Dubai where she was going to get on an European journey ride for the world visit. This journey ride was moving towards Europe and was going to touch down France above all else.
Ayyan Ali Arrested At The Airport For Money Laundering

Once administered the universe of charm like the delegated Queen and now she is gotten for the instance of cash clothing. She was planning to cover up such a major measure of cash and venture out to the Europe by means of Dubai. Dubai otherwise called the paradise for the individuals making income sans work.

In any case, it is still not pass that this cash have a place with Ayaan or she is working for another person. It is likewise not pass that the destination for this cash was simply Dubai or Europe. Anyway this occasion has jarred the International powers. They never acknowledged any design model to go with such a major measure of cash in her convey sack.

So now there is no more European voyage ride for her now furthermore no more Instagram selfies. Her showbiz vocation is likewise on the stake now.

Ayyan Ali Arrested At The Airport For Money... by showbizalert

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