The well known pakistani acctor Imran Abbas could not go to India earlier to promote his upcoming first Bollywood film Creature3D because of Visa issues but now he has got visa and promoting his very actively promoting his film in India. In movie Creature3D the co star of Imran Abbas is Bipasha Basu He also attended a special launch of the film with the cast and crew. After watching the finanel versions of movie creature3D Imran Abbas was very excited about his first project in bollywood. The director of the film invited the Prime Minister of India to this exclusive launch of the film. Imran Abbas has been showing his enthusiasm and excitement on different forums. Creature3D is going to be the first Indian film in which the creature is completely animated. We wish best of luck Imran Abbas for his first project in bollywood. Here are pictures and promos of movie Creature3D.
Bipasha Basu
Imran Abbas
Imran Abbas Has Very Expectations From His Upcoming Bollywood Film Creature3D