Adnan Sami Revealed Secret of losing 165 kilograms of his weight

The well known singer and song writer Revealed secret of losing 165 kilograms in a interview to BBC. Adnan Sami said I have reduced my weight by 165 kilograms and many people have attributed my weight loss to doctors and more surprising is that doctors who I have never met in my life are taking credit for my weight loss with most of them also using it as a form of advertising. Adnan Sami said he adopted a high protein diet which allowed his intake of all sorts of proteins in his diet, provided they were rid of oil. The Adnan Sami said weight loss has brought sso many changes in his life. He has now offers for movie and also told soon a movie is coming of Adnan Sami.

Adnan Sami Revealed Secret of losing 165 kilograms of his weight

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